SAP HR-HCM Training Course in Jaipur


Industry-oriented certification Digital Marketing training course to furnish your career to kick-start/grow at MNCs/Non-MNCs Organization & corporate

Experienced Faculty

Professional expert Sr. Digital Marketing Institute With 15+ Years of working experience will provide you industrial level training.

Placement Assistance

Receive placement assistance after completion of 70% training, E-Lite team will arrange interviews till you’ll get the placement.

LAB Facility

You can attain the practical training session to get the indutrial exposure & prepare for the corporate level challanges.

Workshop Sessions

You’ll attain knowledge on bases of real-time scenarios, live projects & best case study to complete E-Lite workshop.

Admin Support

E-Lite’s 7 days working admin team co-ordinates you for the fresh batch schedule/re-scheduling classes/arrange doubt classes.

SAP HR-HCM Programme Details

Course Duration: Course Duration: 80-90 HRS with Highly Skilled Corporate Trainers (SAP HR-HCM TRAINING) for 14 Modules – Weekdays / Weekend

E-Lite Institute Jaipur – SAP HR-HCM Training Delivery Method:

  • Web / Desktop Base.
  • Instructor-Led Classroom Sessions.
  • Presentations/Demonstration/Practicals of concepts.
  • Handouts/Assignments/Real-time Exposure to work on Clients.

Programme Modules

SAP HR-HCM Training Modules

<ul> <li>Introduction to ERP &amp; SAP</li> <li>Overview on SAP HR Sub Modules</li> <li>Introduction to Project Implementation Methodologies (ASAP Methodology)</li> <li>Implementation Road Map</li> <li>System Land Scape &ndash; 3 tier Architecture</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Need Platforms of SAP Architecture</li> <li>Need of Technical/Administration /Portal Institute in Functional Environment</li> <li>New Dimension SAP Modules involved in SAP HCM</li> <li>Introduction to New Dimensional E- Modules in SAP HC</li> <li>System Navigation</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Organizational Management Introduction</li> <li>Structure in SAP HCM</li> <li>Objects</li> <li>Relationships <ul> <li>Structure of Relationships</li> <li>Syntax of Relationship</li> </ul> </li> <li>Methods of Creating Org. Structure <ul> <li>Simple Maintenance</li> <li>Expert Mode</li> <li>Organizational and Staffing</li> <li>Menu guided, Open and Action guided methods</li> </ul> </li> <li>Editing of Objects and Relationships</li> <li>Validity Period</li> <li>Info type in OM</li> <li>Plan version &ndash;Definition and setting of New plan Versions</li> <li>Objects Number Ranges</li> <li>Evalua</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Integration setting with OM and PA</li> <li>Master Data &ndash; Definition and its use in SAP HCM</li> <li>Enterprise structure- Definition and Assignment <ul> <li>Company</li> <li>Company Code</li> <li>Personnel Area</li> <li>Personnel Sub Area</li> </ul> </li> <li>Personnel structure &ndash; Definition and Assignment <ul> <li>Employee Group</li> <li>Employee Subgroup</li> <li>Payroll Area and Control Record (with Retroactive Accounting Period)</li> </ul> </li> <li>Financial Accounting Global Settings <ul> <li>Global Parameters</li> <li>Fiscal Year Variants</li> <li>Posting Periods</li> </ul> </li> <li>Employee Attributes</li> <li>Info types and sub types</li> <li>Features in SAP HCM importance and various feature configurations according to requirement</li> <li>Number Ranges for Employee personnel numbers-internal &amp; External with Feature Setup</li> <li>Customizing User Procedures:</li> <li>Configuration of Personnel actions &ndash;Info group &ndash; Action Menu <ul> <li>Hiring</li> <li>Promotion</li> <li>Transfer</li> <li>Organizational Re- assignment</li> <li>Termination</li> </ul> </li> <li>Dynamic actions &ndash;Use, Configuration with Business Requirements</li> <li>Info type Menus</li> <li>Additional Action &ndash; Activations and its use</li> <li>Customizing User Interfaces: <ul> <li>Info type screen modifications</li> <li>Info type Header Modifications</li> </ul> </li> <li>Administrator group &amp; defaulting through feature</li> <li>Discussion on business requirement in OM and PA modules in Combine for easy understanding of Real time Business Scenario</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Introduction to time management &ndash; time management process in HR</li> <li>Domain and SAP HR time management differentiation a discussion</li> <li>Positive and Negative Time Recording &ndash; with Business Process Discussion</li> <li>Public Holidays &ndash; configuration of different types of Holidays</li> <li>Holiday Calendar with Business scenarios &ndash; Applicability with Enterprise Structure</li> <li>Factory Calendar in HR Perspective</li> <li>Grouping &ndash; Personnel sub Area &amp; employee sub group Grouping in Time Management</li> <li>Work Schedules <ul> <li>Break Schedule</li> <li>Daily work Schedules (with Variants-with Business Scenarios)</li> <li>Period work schedules</li> </ul> </li> <li>Day types and Day type selection rules</li> <li>ESG, Holiday calendar assignment for PSA</li> <li>Work Schedule Rules</li> <li>Introduction to Absences and Attendance</li> <li>Absences quotas Configuration <ul> <li>Counting Rules for Absences/Attendances</li> <li>Deduction Rules</li> <li>Assignments of different rules in Absences/Attendances.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Time Management Info types</li> <li>Quota Updates: <ul> <li>Manual (PA30)</li> <li>Through Report RPTQTAOO</li> <li>Through Time Evaluation (RPTIME00)</li> </ul> </li> <li>Positive Time Recording &ndash; Understanding of different Time Evaluation Schemas Used.</li> <li>How to use Positive time Evaluation In the Organizations with different business scenarios.</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Introduction to time sheet in time evaluation</li> <li>What is cross application time sheet (CATS) &ndash;Overview and usage in Various time business scenarios.</li> <li>CATS- Roles and Authorizations</li> <li>Time Interface development required in positive time management</li> <li>Use of Time Management Process with ESS/MSS scenarios- leave application, Time booking, Approvals in HR master data Update</li> </ul>
<p><strong>US Payroll </strong></p> <p><strong>INDIAN PAYROLL </strong></p> <p><strong>INDIA- Statutory Configuration On TAX, PF, ESI, Professional TAX. </strong></p> <ul> <li>Introduction to payroll- HR domain process and SAP HCM Process-discussion on understanding the same</li> <li>Payroll area and Control Record (with Retroactive Accounting)</li> <li>Generation of payroll periods- period and date modifiers (with different country fiscal year settings) &ndash; Relevancy of this Time management</li> <li>Payment date setup and modifications</li> <li>ESG for CAP and PCR</li> <li>Pay scale structure <ul> <li>Pay scale Area</li> <li>Pay scale type</li> <li>Pay scale Group</li> <li>Pay scale level</li> </ul> </li> <li>Wage Types- concept, types &amp; use of wage types <ul> <li>Primary wage types</li> <li>Secondary Wage types</li> </ul> </li> <li>Features used in payroll Wage types characteristics</li> <li>Valuation of wage type <ul> <li>Direct</li> <li>Indirect</li> </ul> </li> <li>Wage type model and defaulting of WT model</li> <li>Configuration of basic pay info type</li> <li>Concept of Annual salary and configuration and applicability to the relevant countries</li> <li>Other payroll info types configuration &ndash; General and country specific</li> <li>Payroll- Multi Country payroll &ndash; an understanding</li> <li>Payroll processing in SAP system</li> <li>Review of relevant data maintained for payroll process.</li> <li>Payroll driver- For US &amp; India.( with Reference to other countries too)</li> <li>US statutory process &amp; US specific info types maintenance</li> <li>US specific Tax Settings.</li> <li>Understanding of US payroll Driver &amp; Payroll Schema in SAP HCM Payroll Process</li> <li>Business Understanding of Garnishment in US payroll</li> <li>US Reports and subsequent payroll activities</li> <li>Configuration of INDIA specific payroll settings</li> <li>Concepts of Allowance grouping for INDIA</li> <li>Other Statutory configuration on exemptions, HRA, Car &amp; Conveyance etc.,</li> <li>Understanding of Indian Payroll driver, payroll schema &amp; India specific Payroll functions in SAP HCM</li> <li>India specific reports and subsequent payroll activities.</li> <li>Payroll schema &amp; Personnel calculations rules- Customizing the same for the multiple business scenario like time calculation and proration etc.,</li> <li>Checking of payroll results</li> <li>Understanding and customizing the Remunerations statement</li> <li>Subsequent payroll activities:</li> <li>Bank transverse process/Cash/Cash Payment o FICO posting from HR and Finance Perspective.</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Introduction Benefits &ndash; Country dependency</li> <li>Benefits Area</li> <li>Benefits provider</li> <li>Understanding of plan Categories and configuring of plans and plan types</li> <li>Customizing of contribution groupings</li> <li>Setting up of Plans <ul> <li>Plan details and options</li> <li>Dependent details with coverage details</li> <li>Cost Grouping and cost variants</li> <li>Mapping of plan types with relevant plans</li> </ul> </li> <li>Flexible administration <ul> <li>Administrative Parameters</li> <li>Pre- Requisite and co- requisite plans</li> <li>Benefits Adjustment</li> <li>First and second program grouping</li> <li>Employee eligibility</li> <li>Benefits info types</li> <li>Integration of benefits of payroll</li> <li>Check the Results in Payroll</li> <li>Check the Results in Payroll</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
<ul> <li>ntroduction to Recruitment</li> <li>Workforce requirement and Advertisement <ul> <li>Media</li> <li>Recruitments instruments</li> <li>Address for recruitments instruments</li> </ul> </li> <li>Applicant Administration <ul> <li>Personnel Officer</li> <li>Applicant Structure</li> <li>Applicant Group, Range &amp; Unsolicited Applicant Group</li> </ul> </li> <li>Applicant selection <ul> <li>Applicant Status text</li> <li>Overall and Vacancy status</li> <li>Applicant Status reason</li> <li>Permissibility of Status reason to status</li> </ul> </li> <li>Applicant Data <ul> <li>Creating of new advertisement</li> <li>Receipt of application</li> <li>Application Actions</li> </ul> </li> <li>Transferring of applicant data to personnel Administration</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Training and Events-An introduction</li> <li>Training requirement</li> <li>Defining Cost of Training</li> <li>Location / Building address for the training or business event</li> <li>Business Event Group</li> <li>Business Event Type</li> <li>Maintaining employee data for Business event type</li> <li>Multiple Business scenarios like pre- Book, Cancellation and re-book etc., for attendance</li> </ul>
<p><strong>Use of assigning Appraisal Model to PSA/ESG Multiple Appraisal system Perform Employee Appraisal </strong></p> <ul> <li>Introduction to Personnel Development <ul> <li>Career &amp; Success planning</li> <li>Qualification and Catalogue</li> <li>Profile match up</li> </ul> </li> <li>Integration with PD from other Modules</li> <li>Setting up of rating scales</li> <li>Setting up of Qualifications catalog</li> <li>Appraisal systems</li> <li>Form of Appraisals</li> <li>Appraisal Catalog</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>Use of Compensation Management</li> <li>Job Pricing</li> <li>Salary Surveys</li> <li>Budget types</li> </ul>

Find the SAP HR HCM course details below.

Duration of Module

HR HCM Course Module HR HCM Course Duration
SAP HR HCM 40-45 Hours

Batch Timings

HR HCM Course Schedule Course Timing
Monday to Friday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Monday to Friday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Monday to Friday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Monday to Friday 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Saturday/Sunday 8:00 | 12:00 | 2:00 | 4:00
Sunday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Sunday 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM